Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lito Gabuya and his Combative Kinematics

He grabbed Christian's forearm from behind, immobilized him and simultaneously positioned the training knife in the Frenchman's neck. "So you are dead huh?

"Okay, you take my place . . . Let's us exchange roles," as he let go of the arm and assumes the same position, "So what do you think? Am dead huh? You're sure huh?

"So if I moved this way you slash my neck. If I attempt to counter you, poke the knife to my neck. So I am dead huh? Are you sure?"

"You're dead meat," the white man murmurs.

Then suddenly from that seemingly impossible position, he escaped.

"Many, are into defense against knife thrusts, in a duel-like scenario. But here we put you in a situation where the blade is already attached to your skin, in a very closed distance . . . and what can you do about it."

I realized that here is a person who is attempting to raise Filipino knife science a bit higher. That is beyond scooping from one side to another. Bringing us closer to reality of knife threat in the street, inside a very confined space. I have to learn this.

His name is Lito Gabuya, originator of the so-called Combative Kinematics (ComKin). He is the student of Dakila Hsuan of the Sarimanok Subsystem (of Go P.U.S.A). Gabuya had proved that his method is doable and applicable in many situations while working abroad.

"Now, what will you do if the attacker is heavier, bigger, taller, faster than you? Can you escape from conditions like these? You should make use of the Gokosha and apply its 'body-stepping-footwork' concept in these life-threatening conditions."

So I asked, "How can we know when to apply the technique, we cannot see but only feel the tip of the knife?"

Lito answered, "You must develop sensitivity. I developed my sensitivity after attending the ten-day Vipassana Retreat in 2005. Sensitivity is very important in this method."

Unfortunately he is planning to go back to Dubai, and I have little time to mentally process what he was showing us.

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