Saturday, August 29, 2009

Limited Definition

The other night I talked with a friend about Balintawak Eskrima? I asked him his definition of that particular eskrima style. Few minutes later it was clear to me that for this guy, Balintawak has nothing to offer but fluidity/continuity of hand movements which he termed as "de cadena". Definitely I was shocked and partly sad by his limited definition. Why? Well, he is going back to Denmark (he is not Danish and he is not Filipino) and teach there and bring this limited idea there, misrepresenting eskrima in the long run. As a Filipino, I don't want my culture, misrepresented abroad. (The carabao wrestling, is of course, worse than this)

For him Balintawak is simply the skill of wielding single stick, nothing more. We disagree of course, since we know Balintawak or any eskrima for that matter is not limited with the stick (the masturbation of a single stick to put it bluntly). Hell no!

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