Saturday, January 3, 2009

Just a Name?

"Oh that is just a name, kali or eskrima, the same thing. What is important, that it works," declares the imbecile.

Yes , if it is the same why insist on calling it kali? No, it ain't the same. Why? we never use that term here in our place.

Just imagine calling lawn tennis, a pingpong or calling karate, judo. Is it hard to comprehend why we need to use the appropriate label this time?

For your information, the traditional Filipino Stickfighting is not kali but arnis (arnis de mano) or eskrima. It was only in the seventies that some started calling arnis or eskrima, kali.

They claim that it is the "mother art", but deeper research will show that many of these kali schools are practically offshots of the older arnis or eskrima schools (Doce Pares in Cebu City and José Viñas' arnis in Bacolod City.)

In Bacolod City, I heard, that this kali/arnis controversy is a serious issue. Here in Cebu, this is not so much of an issue, simply because arnis schools here are more traditional or conservative even not to change the name to anything but arnis or eskrima.

1 comment:

69buccaneer said...

the propagator of Kali is from negros island. It is an offshoot of the arnis/escrima/baston system. It has no roots at all. "Waay puno ukon ugat". No historical basis at all.